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Privacy Policy

The data controller reports below the information on the personal data provided by the Customer / interested party who registers on this site, spontaneously uploading personal data to this website (in particular by filling in forms), simply by browsing it, proceeding in every way with the purchase of products offered for sale by the data controller.

1. Data controller and contact details

The data controller is the Cesare Pucci farm, based in Catanzaro, Chiattine, Via Basilicata snc, VAT number: 11942831006; e-mail (hereinafter the Site or Owner).

2. Purpose of the processing of personal data

(2a) Main processing purpose

The personal data provided by the Customer / interested party are mainly processed for the execution of the Purchase Agreement for the goods offered on the Site, for credit management and, more generally, for the relationship arising from the Agreement itself and for the registration procedures.

The provision of data in the Contract or later, during the contractual relationship, for the purposes of the processing in question is mandatory; therefore, failure, partial or incorrect provision of such data makes it impossible to stipulate and / or execute the Contract. The legal basis of the processing is the execution of a contract or pre-contractual measures and the fulfillment of legal obligations.

The personal data provided by the Customer / interested party may also be processed if this is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation to which the data controller is subject; also in these cases, the provision of data is mandatory.


(2b) Further purposes of the processing

In addition to the aforementioned processing purposes, the personal data provided / acquired may be processed to offer products similar to those already purchased, on the basis of the legitimate interest of the Data Controller. The Customer / interested party can always and at any time oppose these forms of treatment, by sending a simple communication to


(2c) Use of the website

Finally, personal data such as IP addresses and the like are used by the owner, in the light of legitimate interest, to allow navigation of the Site and protect its security.

3. Categories of personal data processed

The data controller mainly processes identification / contact data (name, surname, addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, of a fiscal / billing nature, except for others) and, if commercial transactions are envisaged, financial data, such as identification number of current accounts.

4. Communication of personal data - categories of recipients

Some processing operations can also be carried out by third parties, to whom the data controller entrusts certain activities, for example by the company that deals with accounting and offers support for billing and the banking institution (for the sole purposes related to the collection or a possible refund). The subjects belonging to the aforementioned categories process the personal data themselves as independent data controllers, or as data processors. For more information on recipients, you can send an e-mail to

5. Retention period of personal data

For the purposes referred to in points (2a) and (2b) the retention period of the contract formation and execution data, in addition to the ordinary limitation period at the end of the contract execution, equal to 10 years. For the purposes referred to in point (2c), the retention period is 2 years.


6. International data transfers and automated decisions

The Data Controller does not intend to transfer the data outside the European economic area and will not adopt automated decision-making tools.

7. Rights of the Customer / interested party

The data controller recognizes - and facilitates the exercise, by the Customer / interested party, of - all the rights provided for by the GDPR, in particular the right to request access to their personal data and to extract a copy, rectification, cancellation. , limitation of processing, data portability and opposition. The interested party also has the right to lodge a complaint with the Guarantor Authority for the Protection of Personal Data and to propose a judicial appeal. To exercise their rights, the Customer / interested party can send a simple communication to or unsubscribe at any time on the Site (or on other social or web applications of the data controller).

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